Happy National Pet Day 2025 Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Sayings, Status, Captions, Images, Pic, & Messages collections are now available in this content. Every year, National Pet Day is officially celebrated on the 11th of April.
On Happy National Pet Day 2025, the maximum number of people are searching to collect the best Happy National Pet Day 2025 Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Sayings, and statuses to share with their family members, friends, and also on social media with #NationalPetDay or #NationalPetDay2025.

Here below, you will be eligible to collect the best Happy National Pet Day Greetings, Messages, Quotes, Sayings, Status, SMS & Wishes. So, stay with us and continue reading this content.
National Pet Day Wishes, Messages, Greetings, Quotes, Sayings, Status, Captions 2025
1). Money can buy you the best breed of pet but it can’t buy its loyalty and love.
2). Pets have more compassion and loyalty. Let us acknowledge their importance in our life on the occasion of National pet day.
3). Pets give us unconditional true love and care. Let us also reciprocate the same towards them. Happy National Pet day.
4). Your pet is the best friend to cheer you when you are gloomy.
5). Pets are more faithful and compassionate than most humans. They are true friends and loyal buddies. Wishing you a wonderful National Pet Day to you and your lovely pet.
6). You can buy a pet with your money but you can never buy his love. You are lucky to have such a wonderful dog which loves you unconditionally. Warm wishes on National Dog Day to you.
7). You are truly blessed to have such an amazing pet as your best pal. You are fortunate to have his love and attention. May God bless you both. Best wishes to both of you. Happy National Pet Day.
8). A dog is the only thing which loves you more than yourself on the earth and having such a dog in your life is the sweetest blessing of the God. Happy National Dog Day to him. May God bless.
9). Pets are very humanizing. They always remind us about to give unconditional love and care to the people who mean the world to you. Warm wishes of National Pet Day to you.
10). Blessed are those who have loving pets in the lives and so you are, as you have the most loving dog who eagerly waits for you and loves you beyond boundaries. Happy National Pet Day 2020.
11). The way you love your pet is like loving your children. And your pet also loves you in return without any conditions. The love of your pet is truly pure. God bless you both. Happy National Pet Day.
12). Having a pet who is always there with you in the happiest and the saddest days is like having a blessing from God. You are lucky to have been blessed with your dog. Happy National Dog Day,
13). Animals make best friends and your dog is truly your partner is life who loves you the most and cares about you the maximum. God bless your bond of love. Happy National Pet Day.
14). Your little dog is like your heartbeat at your feet. His presence always makes you feel alive and happy. On this occasion of National Pet Day, I pray God for showering his blessings on your love.
1. “There’s a saying. If you want someone to love you forever, buy a dog, feed it and keep it around.” Dick Dale, American Musician
2. “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.” Josh Billings, American Comedian
3. “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” Martin Buber, German Philosopher
4. “My favorite type of pet has always been a dog. They’re loyal, kind and offer endless affection.” Brendon Urie, American Musician
5. “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” James Cromwell, American Actor
6. “Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” George Eliot, British Author
7. “If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.” James Herriot, British Writer
8. “Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent.” Milan Kundera, Czech Writer
9. “I think having an animal in your life makes you a better human.” Rachael Ray, American Television Personality
10. “Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way.” John Muir, Scottish-American Naturalist
11. “Dogs don’t make judgments about physical appearance or abilities, and they don’t care how big your house is or what you do for a living. They care about the quality of your character and your capacity to love.” Elizabeth Eiler, Reiki Master and Author
12. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole France, French Poet
13. “You cannot share your life with a dog…or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings.” Jane Goodall, British Anthropologist
14. “Our task must be to free ourselves…by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.” Albert Einstein, German-born Physicist
15. “Animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive, funny and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children.” Michael Morpurgo, British Writer
16. “Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” John Grogan, American Author
17. “Pets have more love and compassion in them than most humans.” Robert Wagner, American Actor
18. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Social Activist
19. “Dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.” Gilda Radner, American Actor/Comedian
20. “Time spent with cats is never wasted.” Sigmund Freud, Austrian Psychoanalyst
21. “You cannot look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.” Jane Pauley, American Journalist
22. “Animals have a much better attitude to life and death than we do. They know when their time has come. We are the ones that suffer when they pass, but it’s a healing kind of grief that enables us to deal with other griefs that are not so easy to grab hold of.” Emmylou Harris, American Songwriter
23. “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” Roger Caras, American Activist
24. “I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.” Jean Cocteau, French Director
25. “The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.” Andy Rooney, American Journalist
26. “I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.” Jules Verne, French Author
27. “Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.” Max Eastman, American Author
28. “Adopted pets are the best pets you can have. Most adoptable pets come from loving homes that simply cannot care for them anymore. Or they are strays who’ve been on their own without the loving care they deserve.” Josh Duhamel, American Actor
29. “My philosophy when it came to pets was much like that of having children: You got what you got, and you loved them unconditionally regardless of whatever their personalities or flaws turned out to be.” Gwen Cooper, American Novelist
30. “Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.” Dean Koontz, American Author
31. “You know, a dog can snap you out of any kind of bad mood that you’re in faster than you can think of.” Jill Abramson, American Newspaper Editor
32. “For me a house or an apartment becomes a home when you add one set of four legs, a happy tail, and that indescribable measure of love that we call a dog.” Roger Caras, American Activist
33. “No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you feel rich.” Louis Sabin, American Author
34. “If I could be half the person my dog is, I’d be twice the human I am.” Charles Yu, Taiwanese-American Author
35. “There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.” Ben Williams, American Jazz Musician
36. “Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, and filling the emptiness we didn’t ever know we had.” Thom Jones, American Writer
37. “Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.” Amy Sedaris, American Author
38. “Over the years I’ve come to appreciate how animals enter our lives prepared to teach and far from being burdened by an inability to speak they have many different ways to communicate. It is up to us to listen more than hear, to look into more than past.” Nick Trout, British-Born Veterinarian and Author
39. “Pets understand humans better than humans do.” Ruchi Prabhu, Indian Author
40. “There are spiritual guardians at all the transitional places in our mysterious multidimensional Universes. The precious sacred souls of animals are created to beautifully traverse these regions when their bodies are no more upon the Earth.” Elizabeth Eiler, Reiki Master and Author
41. “Pets are like infants that never grow up. Forever children. We love them for that.” Anonymous
42. “Anyone can learn how to communicate with animals if they are open to the process and willing to practice.” Karen A Anderson, American Animal Communicator and Author
43. “Be kind to all pets and animals because they will be kind back to you.” Wesley Porter, American Author
44. “Pets reflect you like mirrors. When you are happy, you can see your dog smiling and when you are sad, your cat cries.” Munia Khan, Bangladeshi Poet
45. “Those who love dogs, know something about God.” Fakeer Ishavardas, Indian Mysticism Spirituality Expert
46. “Pets bring vital energy to our homes and lives. Pets communicate many messages about love and connection. Care tenderly for all pets throughout their precious lives. The interspecies dance of love softens and expands the heart.” Laura Staley, Feng Shui Expert
47. “A dog…is a bond between strangers.” John Steinbeck, American Author
48. “If you accept that pets can love us as much as we do them, then the logic is clear and cannot be denied. If you believe that there is a heaven for people, then they must be there, waiting for us, when we cross over. Heaven is love, and pets always share that with us.” Wallace Sife, Pet Bereavement Expert
49. “Indeed, there is nothing on this earth more peaceful than a sleeping, purring cat.” Jonathon Scott Payne, American Author
50. “Sometimes, your pet picks you.” Julie Wenzel, American Author
51. “Recruit your pet as a study partner. Cats are usually more than happy to do this—in fact, you may have trouble keeping them off keyboards and books—and dogs will often serve as well. Few things are more relaxing than having a warm, furry creature next to you as you study.” Stefanie Weisman, American Academic Expert and Author
52. “Dogs are the best example of a being who doesn’t need to lie to protect someone’s pride.” Ammiel Josiah Monterde
53. “They say the smart dog obeys but the smarter dog knows when to disobey.” Amy Hempel, American Writer
54. “You do not own a dog. You have a dog. And the dog has you.” Chelsea Handler
55. “When you feel lousy, puppy therapy is indicated.” Sarah Paretsky
56. “No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does.” Christopher Morley
57. “In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” Terry Pratchett
58. “Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.” Max Eastman
59. “Dogs and angels are not very far apart.” Charles Bukowski, German American Writer
60. “My fashion philosophy is, if you’re not covered in dog hair, your life is empty.” Elayne Boosler
61. “Even the tiniest poodle or chihuahua is still a wolf at heart.” Dorothy Hinshaw
62. “They motivate us to play, be affectionate, seek adventure, and be loyal.” Tom Hayden
63. “No one can truly understand the bond we form with the cats we love until they experience the loss of one.” Unknown
64. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole France
65. “If your dog doesn’t like someone, you probably shouldn’t either.” Jack Canfield
66. “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” James Cromwell
67. “Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them’s making a poop, the other one’s carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge?” Jerry Seinfeld
68. “No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does.” Christopher Morley
69. “Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.” Dean Koontz, American Writer
70. “Dog is God spelled backward.” Duane Chapman
71. “Pets understand humans better than humans do.” Ruchi Prabhu
72. “I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It’s not. Mine had me trained in two days.” Bill Dana
73. “No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.” Kin Hubbard
74. “If you eliminate smoking and gambling, you will be amazed to find that almost all an Englishman’s pleasures can be, and mostly are, shared by his dog.” George Bernard Shaw
75. “When the cat you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” Unknown
76. “Home is where the dog runs to greet you.” Unknown
77. “The kindness lavished on dogs, if evenly distributed, would establish peace on earth.” William Feather
78. “A dog can snap you out of any kind of bad mood that you’re in faster than you can think of.” Jill Abramson
79. “People love dogs. You can never go wrong adding a dog to the story.” Jim Butcher
80. “Cats are inquisitive but hate to admit it.” Mason Cooley
81. “I told him about the way they get to know you. Not the way people do, the way they flatter you by wanting to know every last thing about you, only it isn’t a compliment, it is just efficient, a person getting more quickly to the end of you. Correction – dogs do want to know every last thing about you. They take in the smell of you, they know from the next room, asleep, when a mood settles over you. The difference is there’s not an end to it.” Amy Hempel, American Writer
82. “We never really own a dog as much as he own us.” Gene Hill
83. “I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” Winston Churchill
84. “The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.” M.K. Clinton
85. “The memories and paw print of a beloved cat remains in our heart and soul forever.” Unknown
86. “There is nothing truer in this world than the love of a good dog.” Mira Grant
87. “As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind.” Cleveland Amory
88. “If there are junk yards in hell, love is the dog that guards the gates.” Charles Bukowski, German American Writer
89. “Cats have a scam going – you buy the food, they eat the food, they go away; that’s the deal.” Eddie Izzard
90. “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.” Charles de Gaulle
91. “Bliss is the result of a silent conversation between me and my dog.” Unknown
92. “The truth is that it’s just really hard for me to get to sleep without a dog in my bedroom.” Jimmy Stewart
93. “Scratch a dog and you’ll find a permanent job.” Franklin P. Jones
94. “Dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.” Gilda Radner
95. “A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.” Ernest Hemingway
96. “Dogs never bite me. Just humans.” Marilyn Monroe, American Actress
97. “A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.” Robert Benchley
98. “When the Man waked up, he said, ‘What is Wild Dog doing here?’ And the Woman said, ‘His name is not Wild Dog anymore but the First Friend, because he will be our friend for always and always and always.’” Rudyard Kipling
99. “I’m a lot less cranky when it’s just me and my dog.” Bob Peterson
100. “Dogs have boundless enthusiasm but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach.” Moby
101. “Perhaps one reason we are fascinated by cats is because such a small animal can contain so much independence, dignity, and freedom of spirit. Unlike the dog, the cat’s personality is never bet on a human’s. He demands acceptance on his own terms.” Lloyd Alexander
102. “If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.” Albert Einstein, German Physicist
103. “My idea of absolutely happiness is to be in bed on a rainy day with my blankie, my cat, and my dog.” Anne Lamott, American Writer
104. “The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.” Charles Dickens, English Writer
105. “When an 85-pound mammal licks your tears away, and then tries to sit on your lap, it’s hard to feel sad.” Kristan Higgins
106. “I have caught more ills from people sneezing over me and giving me virus infections than from kissing dogs.” Barbara Woodhouse
107. “Cats leave paw prints in your heart, forever and always.” Unknown
108. “It’s tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dogs on the lips, yet she won’t drink from my glass.” Rodney Dangerfield
109. “Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.” Colette
110. “Anybody who doesn’t know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.” Franklin P. Jones
111. “It’s hard not to immediately fall in love with a dog who has a goood sense of humor.” Kate DiCamillo
112. “What do dogs do on their day off? Can’t lie around—that’s their job.” George Carlin
113. “Cats have it all – admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it.” Rod McKuen
114. “In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn’t merely try to train him to be semi human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.” Edward Hoagland
115. “For a man living alone, dogs are almost more important than human beings.” Richard Katz
116. “Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.” Ann Landers
117. “Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends.” Alexander Pope
118. “A kitten is the delight of a household. All day long a comedy is played out by an incomparable actor.” Champfleury
119. “If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.” Roger Caras
120. “Heaven will never be Paradise unless my cats are there waiting for me.” Unknown
121. “All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For after all, he was only human. He wasn’t a dog.” Charles M Schulz
122. “Dogs teach us a very important lesson in life: The mail man is not to be trusted.” Sian Fiord
123. “You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog.” Harry Truman, American Politician
124. “If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way.” Mark Twain
125. “I like dogs. You always know what a dog is thinking… Also, dogs are faithful because they do not tell lies because they cannot talk.” Mark Haddon
126. “I’ve seen a look in dogs’ eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.” John Steinbeck
127. “[Dogs] never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation.” Jerome K. Jerome
128. “I’m not sure why I like cats so much. I mean, they’re really cute obviously. They are both wild and domestic at the same time.” Michael Showalter
129. “Animals have come to mean so much in our lives. We live in a fragmented and disconnected culture. Politics are ugly, religion is struggling, technology is stressful, and the economy is unfortunate. What’s one thing that we have in our lives that we can depend on? A dog or a cat loving us unconditionally, every day, very faithfully.” Jon Katz
130. “Old dogs, like old shoes, are comfortable. They might be a bit out of shape a little worn around the edges, but they fit well.” Bonnie Wilcox
131. “The dog has got more fun out of man than man has got out of the dog, for the clearly demonstrable reason that man is the more laughable of the two animals.” James Thurber
132. “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” Groucho Marx
133. “I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.” Hippolyte Taine
134. “A kitten is in the animal world what a rosebud is in the garden.” Robert Southey
135. “No matter how you’re feeling, a little dog gonna love you.” Waka Flocka Flame, American Rapper
136. “Ever wonder where you’d end up if you took your dog for a walk and never once pulled back on the leash?” Robert Breault
137. “When the dog looks at you, the dog is not thinking what kind of a person you are. The dog is not judging you.” Eckhart Tolle
138. “Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.” Roger Caras, American Activist
139. “Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.” Dean Koontz, American Author
140. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” John Grogan, American Author
141. “My main characters are the most sunny, happy, optimistic, loving creatures on the face of the Earth. I couldn’t be happier that’s where I start. I can put as many flawed people in the dog’s world as I like, but the dog doesn’t care. Dog doesn’t judge, dog doesn’t dislike. Dog loves. That’s not so bad.” Bruce Cameron
142. “Dogs are great. Bad dogs, if you can really call them that, are perhaps the greatest of all.” John Grogan, American Writer
143. “Love—that which biologists, nervous about being misunderstood, call ‘attachment’—fuels the bond between dog and master or mistress.” John Bradshaw
144. “The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.” Samuel Butler
145. “Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties.” W. L. George
146. “Actually, my dog I think is the only person who consistently loves me all the time.” H. G. Bissinger
147. “There is no faith which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog.” Konrad Lorenz
148. “Kittens are angels with whiskers.” Alexis Flora Hope
149. “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.” Mark Twain, American Author
150. “If dogs could talk, perhaps we would find it as hard to get along with them as people.” Capek