Happy World Heart Day 2022 Theme, History, Facts, Wishes, Messages, Captions, Images! Welcome to 29th September Happy World Heart Day 2022 Date, History, Poster, Slogans, Facts, Images, Theme, Photos, Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Greetings, Pic, Text, SMS, photos & Wallpaper HD available in this content. Every year, 29 September is observed as “World Heart Day” by the world’s people. The “World Heart Day” was founded in 2000 to inform people around the globe that heart disease and stroke are the world’s leading causes of death by the World Heart Federation (WHF).
World Heart Day 2022 Theme
The theme of World heart day 2022 is ‘USE HEART FOR EVERY HEART‘. The World Heart Federation has created this day to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Year | Theme |
2016 | Power your Life |
2017 | Share the Power |
2018 | My Heart, Your Heart |
2019 | For my heart, for your heart, for all our hearts |
2020 | Use heart to beat cardiovascular disease |
This year on World Heart Day, as part of our mission to ensure heart health equity for all, we want to create a global community of Heart Heroes … people from all walks of life who are acting now to live longer, better, heart-healthy lives by making a promise:
- A promise to our families to cook and eat more healthily
- A promise to our children to exercise more and help them to be more active, to say no to smoking, and help our loved ones to stop
- A promise as a healthcare professional to help patients give up smoking and lower their cholesterol
- A promise as a policymaker to support policies that promote healthy hearts
- A promise as an employee to invest in heart-healthy workplaces
A simple promise … for MY HEART, for YOUR HEART, for ALL OUR HEARTS.
World Heart Day History:
The World Heart Federation (WHF), in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO), announced the establishment of World Heart Day in 1999. The idea for this event was proposed by Antoni Bayés de Luna, president of WHF from 1997-99.
Originally, World Heart Day was observed on the last Sunday in the month of September. But this was only till 2011. The first celebration took place on September 29, 2000.
World Heart Day 2022 Images, Pictures, Photos, Pic & Wallpaper HD

Happy World Heart Day 2022 Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Greetings, Text, SMS
On this day, everyone wants to share wise quotes about World Heart Day and also the Happy World Heart Day 2022 Wishes, Messages, Greetings, Images & Pictures for social media status. Here below, we collect the best Inspirational World Heart Day 20121 Quotes. Just collect them for free and share them on social media with the #WorldHeartDay hashtag.
- On the occasion of World Heart Day, I wish that your heart always stays healthy and happy…. So take care of your diet and always keep your heart in good shape!!
- The best way to keep your heart in a healthy state is by eating right, sleeping right, and not taking stress…. Sending my best wishes on World Heart Day to you.
- If you have a healthy heart, you can enjoy a happy and long life…. So encourage your loved ones to go for a heart checkups this World Heart Day for a smooth life ahead.
- Let us celebrate World Heart Day by going for heart checkups and promising ourselves to eat healthy and live happy…… Best wishes on World Heart Day to you.
- You live longer and healthier if you have a heart that beats without any complications.
- A happy heart is a healthy heart…. Stay happy and live longer!!!
- Life is more beautiful and more fun when you have a heart that beats right.
- Don’t take your heart lightly because that is the basis for life.
- Neglecting your heart is like neglecting your life…. If you want to life happily and healthy then take care of your heart…. Happy World Heart Day!!!
- On the occasion of World Heart Day, let us take an oath that we will be more responsible towards taking care of our heart.
- As we celebrate World Heart Day, remember not to break hearts but to win more and more hearts.
- Each one of us have just one heart, so make sure that we take the best care of it….. Best wishes on World Heart Day!!!
- Making a heart happy is the sweetest present to give anyone.
- Healthy diet, regular exercise and happiness…. Perfect ingredients for a healthy heart.
- Kill the stress and eat nutritious food and bid adieu to all the cardiovascular diseases.
- Heartbeats are the rhythm of the heart, let them play a beautiful song!!!
Happy World Heart Day 2022 WhatsApp & Facebook Status:
Eating right and keeping the heart light can help you live longer and happier….. Warm wishes on World Heart Day!!!
Make this World Heart Day more special by motivating more and more people to take care of their hearts.
If you are responsible towards your heart then you are responsible towards your family…. Happy World Heart Day.
Every heart is special, every heart needs care and love….. Best wishes on World Heart Day to you.
“Heart is supposed to be only healthy…. And on the occasion of World Heart Day, let us take care of all the hearts around us.”
“Less of worries and more of happiness is what I wish for you on the occasion of World Heart Day…. Stay happy and healthy!!!”
“Warm wishes on World Heart Day to you…. Avoid stress to keep your heart healthy and happy…. Avoid tension for a longer life!!!”
“Healthy and happy…. That is what a heart suppose to be!!”
“Never hurt any heart, keep it safe and healthy.”
“Take care of your heart because it is life.”
Best Inspirational Heart Day Quotes 2022
❤️ “I saw many people who had advanced heart disease and I was so frustrated because I knew if they just knew how to do the right thing, simple lifestyle and diet steps, that the entire trajectory of their life and health would have been different.” » Mehmet OzLets
❤️ “With all of the holiday cheer in the air, it’s easy to overlook the ingredients in the foods. Ingredients such as salt, sugar, and fat – all of which leads to diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, heart disease, and cancer.” » Lee Haney
❤️ “We’re in a situation now where weight and extreme weight and heart disease is the biggest killer in this country today.” » Jamie Oliver Feels So Sweet To Have A Healthy Heart Beat.
❤️ “I’m giving life lessons and tips on how to take care of your emotional heart because heart disease is the number-one killer in America.” » Leeza Gibbons
❤️ “It takes more than just a good looking body. You’ve got to have the heart and soul to go with it.” » EpictetusHeart Disease Let’S Defeat, Keep A Healthy Heart Beat
❤️ “Unlike curing cancer or heart disease, we already know how to beat hunger: food.” » Mario Batali Shoutslogans.com
❤️ “Dementia is our most-feared illness, more than heart disease or cancer.” » David Perlmutter
❤️ “The medical literature tells us that the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many more problems are through healthy diet and exercise. Our bodies have evolved to move, yet we now use the energy in oil instead of muscles to do our work.” » David Suzuki
❤️ “The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” » Nikolai Lenin
❤️ “Hear your heart. Heart your health.”
❤️ “Seeds and nuts are indispensable for cardiovascular health. The protective properties of nuts against coronary heart disease were first recognized in the early 1990s, and a strong body of literature has followed, confirming these original findings.” » Joel Fuhrman
❤️ “A controlled carbohydrate lifestyle really prevents risk factors for heart disease.” » Robert Atkins
❤️ “Think about it: Heart disease and diabetes, which account for more deaths in the U.S. and worldwide than everything else combined, are completely preventable by making comprehensive lifestyle changes. Without drugs or surgery.” » Dean Ornish
❤️ “The medical literature tells us that the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many more problems are through healthy diet and exercise. Our bodies have evolved to move, yet we now use the energy in oil instead of muscles to do our work.” » David Suzuki
World Heart Day Themes of the past decade
- The theme for the year 2006 was “How Young is Your Heart?”
- The theme for 2007 was “Team Up for Healthy Hearts”.
- The theme for 2008 was “Know your Risk”.
- The theme for 2009 was “I Work with Heart”.
- The theme for 2010 was “I Work with Heart”.
- The theme for 2011 was “One World, One Heart, and One Home”.
- The theme for 2012 was “One World, One Heart, and One Home”.
- The theme for 2013 was “Take the road to a healthy heart”.
- The theme for 2014 was “Heart Choices NOT Hard Choices”.
- The theme for 2015 was “Creating Heart-Healthy Environments”.
- The theme for 2016 was “Light Your Heart, Empower Your Life”.